Products & Services

Alongside our bio materials science endeavours, TransParagon Global also designs, prototypes and manufactures industrial components predominantly for aerospace, rail and automotive sectors.

And via established partnerships, TransParagon Global provides the required regulatory certification for installation onto aircraft.  Whether it's a passenger facing product, a galley or flight deck part or indeed a cargo hold component, we achieve the desired outcome.

Our proven capability, and competitive pricing delivers high quality, affordable solutions to cleints seeking to manage their costs more affectively.

Bio Material Development, Production and Offering

Bio Pro Foams is bio based product suitable for wide and varied applications. 

Seat foams, mattresses, infill panels and soundproofing are typical applications.

Bio Pro foams replace traditional isocyanates with biomass material

Bio Pro foams incorporate protein collagen not as a filler but as part of the molecular structure

Bio Pro foams replace melamine, traditionally used for flame retardancy, with protein to meet the same levels of fire regulation

Bio Pro foams improve comfort performance, not bottoming out, as traditional foams exhibit

Engineering Design

Tool Design & Manufacture

Technical Modelling & Evaluations

Regulatory & Compliance Testing

Prototyping & Analysis Tel: 00 44 (0) 7388 041 488 Tel: 00 44 (0) 7943 276 111